Kaj storiti v primeru poškodb blaga?

Vsi naši izdelki zapustijo našo tovarno šele po končni kontroli. Tako so pošiljke ob času odpreme certificirane, brez udarnin in ostalih poškodb. Priprava pošiljk se snema.

Blago potuje na tveganje in nevarnost prejemnika. V skladu z mednarodnimi prevoznimi pogoji in konvencijo CMR iz Ženeve nismo odgovorni za morebitno škodo: zamude, odškodnine ali izgube, do katerih pride v celoti ali delno med prevozom. Za te primere so odgovorni samo prevozniki. Dolžnost kupca je, da opravi vse potrebne preglede ob prihodu proizvodov oz. pošiljke in da v primeru, če je to potrebno in v predpisanem času, izvede vse potrebne postopke proti transporterju.

1 - V PRISOTNOSTI VOZNIKA preverite stanje pošiljke in število paketov. Razpakirajte jih. Če prevoznik ne želi čakati, to navedite na prevzemni dokument. Napišite tudi vaše ime in datum ter dokument podpišite in odtisnite žig vašega podjetja.

2 - OPOMBA na prevzemnem dokumentu nevedite vse opažene anomalije: poškodovan ali raztrgan paket, manjkajoči paket oz. izdelek itd ... Pošiljko tudi fotografirajte.

3 - POŠLJITE POŠTO s prevzemnim dokumentom in fotografijo poškodovane pošiljke, v roku 48 ur prevozniku in kopijo na podjetje:

DEMETRA Lean Way d.o.o, na elektronski naslov sesa-systems@demetra-leanway.com.

Če tega postopka ne boste spoštovali, ne bomo mogli uveljavljati odškodnine oz. nadomestiti poškodovanega oz. manjkajočega produkta.  Kasnejših reklamacij, ki so predmet prevzema pošiljke, ne bomo mogli upoštevati.



What to do in case of goods damage?

All our products leave our factory after checking. They are thus certified without shock nor deterioration at the time of the departure. The preparation of shipments is recorded.

RESPONSIBILITY OF TRANSPORT: "CONTROL OF THE MATERIAL REQUIRED ON RECEIPT". In accordance with the international terms of transport and CMR Convention of Geneva, we are not responsible for any damage: delays, breakages or losses total or partial during the transport, carriers only are responsible. It is up to the purchaser to carry out all the checks on arrival of the products and to exert if it is necessary and in prescribed times all recourse against the conveyor.

1 – IN THE PRESENCE OF THE DRIVER, check the number and the state of the parcel. Unpack them. If the deliveryman refuses to wait, note it on the receipt as your name, the date, your signature and your company stamp.

2 - NOTE on the delivery form all the anomalies noticed: detoriorated or broken missing product etc… Take photos too.

3 – SEND a letter with acknowledgement of receipt and photos under 48H maximum to the carrier and a copy to:

DEMETRA Lean Way d.o.o, on email sesa-systems@demetra-leanway.com

If this procedure is not respected, it will not be possible for us to obtain any compensation and replace the damaged or missing product. We will not be able to follow later complaints that are the subject of the takeover of the shipment.